Why won’t you talk to me? Solo Show + Pamphlet Launch

by | Jul 29, 2024 | Events, Poetry | 0 comments

I am so pleased to announce my first solo show, live at the Alphabetti Theatre on August 14th at 6pm.

Introducing: “Why won’t you talk to me?” An hour long poetry reading sharing stories about an AI that can do everything… except talk to you. Learn how humanity adapts to a post-work future in this hopeful and surreal set with religious and tech overtones.

The whole show will be published as a pamphlet available on the night and here later- so why not see the show for free and pick up a pamphlet? They will be Pay What You Feel on the night, and £5 on the website after, so it’s a great chance to grab one early.

If you’re looking to buy tickets or learn more, visit Alphabetti’s site here.

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