Vote with your wallet!

What do we lose if I’m stuck in full time work? My poetry nights with Yellow Line Poetry, for a start.

If you want me to be able to make cool stuff for the sake of it, I need some guaranteed income. Memberships mean I need to take on less client work, which means I free up more time to work for you!

It starts at £1/mo. No hidden fees, no worries. Are you ready?

Pssst! Membership perks are currently *under contstruction*. You are currently only donating for the sake of it!

[bck_testimonial image=”https://dearesthaley.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/LoveSlug.png” name=”Contact me!” testimonial=”You can email me here about anything: Websites, Art, Goofs, I’m open!” use_custom_icon=”on” reviewer_position=”top” icon_size=”100px” image_placement_alt=”left” review_top_spacing=”5px” _builder_version=”4.23.1″ _module_preset=”default” review_font_size=”16px” background_color=”#f1ede1″ custom_padding=”20px|10px|0px|10px|false|true” border_radii_item=”on|5px|5px|5px|5px” border_width_all_item=”5px” box_shadow_style_item=”preset4″ box_shadow_color_item=”#000000″ global_colors_info=”{}” theme_builder_area=”post_content”][/bck_testimonial]