Be a Dear.

Client work comes and goes, but the Dearest community stays strong forever. Get incredible bonuses just by signing up, and get even more by subscribing monthly.


An open-for-all micro fund that pays for new work for the Dearest community to enjoy.

Weekly Recap

Hear about everything I’ve done each week, and tell me what you think.

Uncensored Content

The Director’s Cut. Hear what I say before I bleep it. See scenes that didn’t make it to the final video.

Community Editions

Get the art and creations that aren’t for anyone else but you. Participate in shared challenges.

Future Mysteries

The more support I get, the more I can make. You never know what you’ll get in the future.


You get the uncensored content, access to the community editions, and the weekly recap.

Absolutely free, forever.

Showing up for me is worth enough. All you have to do is make an account & you’ll be dear, my dear!


Everything Dear gets, as well as everything from the Co-Mission and priority access to the community editions.

$2/mo minimum.

Your money goes towards allowing me to work on passion projects, and funding other artists to do the same.

You may already be the Dearest!

Ever bought my art? Hired me for a project? Just done something really nice for me?

You probably don’t need to spend your money, although you’re welcome to!

Just sign up as a Dear and get in touch- I’ll upgrade you.

The Co-Mission.

The Co-Mission, or the Community Mission, is to fund the creation of art that wouldn’t have been made otherwise.

Basically, the Dearests get a piece of art each week from someone who needed some cash.

It’s a win-win commission by this community, for this community!

Be a Dear, or be the dearest. Either way you’ll get the first Co-Mission by Goatshrine to your inbox!

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Fan mail and gifts welcome! Please don’t send perishables- mail is checked infrequently.

Dearest Haley,

John Marley Centre,

Muscott Grove,

Newcastle upon Tyne,

NE15 6TT,

United Kingdom